Security Advantages
Multiple diallers
Multiple client accounts are possible with the system. As an example it is possible to set up Genesis Dialler to report to 16 different monitoring stations from a single Genesis system site, utilising the 64 alarm areas, 512 inputs and segregate them to report to their own chosen monitoring facilities. Ideal for shopping malls, office buildings or larger apartment sites where a tenant can chose their preferred security monitoring service.
Security monitoring
In-built Dialler monitoring and when higher security is required. GPRS and TCP/IP can also be utilised with compatible monitoring facilities.
Serial number addressing
The LAN devices serial number is used for its address, not a dipswitch or other adjustable method. It is not possible to replace a device without updating the database. For example: If someone gained access to the communication LAN bus and wanted to replace an alarm input module with their own, and then disconnects the actual module, they would be detected. The master would not communicate with the new module and would report the disconnected device to the security monitoring facility. Genesis provides a secure RS485 LAN network that can be expanded up-to 1500m from the Master Panel, the distance of course can be even greater than 1500m when fibre optic cable is used.
Four state DEOL Input monitoring
The Genesis alarm inputs incorporate four-state end of line monitoring. That is, an open or short circuit will be detected and reported as a tamper. The normal alarm conditions have fixed resistance values. If the line is cut, a tamper alarm will result, likewise if some one shorts the lines together they will also create a tamper.
The added advantage of Genesis inputs is that any of the 16 DEOL resistor values can be selected and programmed during the installation. This means that it is not necessary to change resistors over when performing a retrofit. Genesis provides additional security on all inputs that makes them virtually impossible to tamper with or replace resistors in either, armed or disarmed state. The system provides additional security with the selection of 5% or as low as 1% resistor variation tolerance, particularly useful for higher security applications.
With the selectable input resistor values it not only provides higher security but, it also provides a simple solution to replace and up-grade existing system sites without the need to replace input resistor values on the existing site.
User database
Up to 9,400 Card/Pin users with full text capabilities can be stored in the Master panels own database. Each user name is stored with-in the masters database. It is possible to upload the database to a PC and still have all the text information. There is no compromise between the number of users and the text facility.
System redundancy
In the unlikely event that the RS485 LAN is cut or has failed for whatever reason, the Genesis system provides the option to interconnect up-to 16 Master Panels for system redundancy. The multi-panel option is ideal for larger sites that may require back-up for Access Control Card/PIN door operation with time zones as well as Alarm reporting. The option provides fully functional redundancy for each card user. Each one of these panels can support 1 to 64 Genesis TDCs (two door controllers) 2 to 8 doors of access controllers can be mounted with-in the single panel enclosure. Each Controller panel provides expansion of up to 128 doors of access control.
This means your site can be expanded up-to, 2,048 Access doors, 8192 Inputs & Outputs, 1024 Alarm areas and 150,400 users by utilising GENIE user interface software. The GENIE software provides seamless operation when used on a single or multiple sites. This feature is ideal for larger sites where both the higher number of doors and users need to be supported. This means that GENIE simplifies site maintenance function and takes the confusion out of which panel is being up-dated for card user, or which panel is sending alarms to PC. The operator sees it as a single system.
User ID and PIN
The system (RAS) Remote Access Station has the option to provide PIN only or User ID and PIN number. The PIN only option allows fast access but provides only 4 to 8 digits of security. If people can select their own PIN, it also leads to the possible problem of having to say "sorry, that PIN is already selected, please select another one". The person now knows their PIN and someone elses.
The User ID and PIN option provides an extra 3 digits of security as well as allowing replicated Pins. This is the recommended way of programming users. If the user complains about having to remember a 3-digit user ID and an 8 digit PIN, remember that the keypad "RAS" has letters on the keys. These letters can be used to make words for an easy to remember PIN number.
On-board CACHE
Genesis provides on board intelligence on all the TDCS (two door controllers) or RAS (keypads). Both of these devices provide in-built 100 user card CACHE that holds the last valid 100 Card/PIN users in memory per each door. The valid Card/PIN users can therefore continue to provide access on all doors in the event of LAN communication failure with the Master unit. Genesis supports up to 128 doors per controller, utilising a combination of the TDC or RAS access control LAN devices.
System arming with card
The automatic arming and disarming of security system areas is possible with an access card. Where a reader is directly associated with a single area it is often convenient to disarm the area when entering at the start of the day and to be able to arm the area at the end of the day. This can easily be utilised with the user card badge 3-times on secure and single badge on access.
Card and PIN
Any user can be selected to use both PIN and Card. PIN + CARD must be presented to gain access this provides additional security where both PIN and CARD are selected for access control. This feature is used with the combination of RAS (Keypad) and card reader.
As an option, a Wiegand CARD+PIN reader can be utilised, these readers are ideal for external mounting application when both the PIN and Card reader are required for the access control or security system arming.
Dual Custody Access options
1.Dual Custody access
An authorised card holder can access the door ONLY if a dual custody or special dual custody card holder authorises their access.
The Dual custody is typically used for a high security area where under no circumstances should one person alone be able to gain access.
2. Special Dual access
An authorised card holder may access the door ONLY if a special dual custody card holder authorises their access
The Special Dual access requirement is typically used where the door may only be opened if a user is accompanied by another card holder of a special authority level, eg a situation where a guard MUST accompany a valid card user to allow access.
3. Dual Access & Self authorisation
As per dual custody, but a user of appropriate authority may authorise themselves.
The self authorisation option is typically used for a storeroom where a staff member may only open the door in the presence of a manager, but a manger may open the door by themselves (self authorised).
4. Special Dual Access & Self authorisation
As per special dual but a special user of appropriate authority may authorise themselves.
This may be used to allow a security guard to self authorise at a secured door in case of emergency. Under normal circumstances the guard would need to accompany the user to allow accesss.
Card formats
The Genesis system provides wide variety of selectable number of Wiegand card formats as follows; 26bit, 27bit, 33bit, 37bit, Proprietary Genesis format, HID Corporate-1000, Mifare® 26M Smart card format. Combination PIN/CARD format, Dual CARD format.
Card and site code security
Most security / access control systems do two independent checks when a card is presented. They check the site code, and if it passes they then check the card number.
Assume that there are 2000 cards on card numbered 1 to 2000 with site code 1. Another 50 cards are then added. Due to availability, urgency, tenant demands or ignorance site code 2 is received. How many cards now have access to your site?
The answer is 4,100, not 2,050.
In fact, any of the following cards will work:
Site code 1, cards 1 to 1,050
Site code 2, cards 1 to 1,050.
To make matters worse, it is impossible to tell the difference between site code 1, card 1 and site code 2, card 1. There are now more cards with access and no way of detecting it.
The Genesis card and site code solution
When a card is presented to Genesis, the system checks if a card with a perfect match exists. That is, that there must be a single record with both the site code and card number matching. In the original example, site code 1, card 1 is presented to a reader. It is found, and the system checks to ensure that the card has access through the door with-in a valid time zone.
Site code 2, card 1 is then presented. It does not exist in the system and is rejected. In fact the system is notified that site code 2, card 1 has been rejected. The information will automatically be displayed on the user maintenance software system log that the wrong card was presented to the reader.